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The Red Show

Pomegranates and Olive Leaves by Sarah Lamb, 8x15.5”, oil on linen, 2019

Pomegranates and Olive Leaves by Sarah Lamb, 8x15.5”, oil on linen, 2019

Opening Reception:
Thursday, December 12, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Open to the public

Eleventh Street Arts presents The Red Show, an exhibition curated by Dale Zinkowski, featuring a selection of still life, figure, and portrait paintings by contemporary realist artists. Each painting featured in the exhibition explores the relationship between the psychological associations of the color red and the sublimity of masterful realist painting. We invite you to join our investigation into the artists’ use of color as symbolic language.  

Red flows within us: it is the color of blood. And from that comes our primal associations: passion, love, hate, and anger. Its appearance in our society extends those meanings; it is the color of heat and fire, cataclysm, war, and revolution. And when it appears in more benign forms—in flowers and fruits, on birds and bugs, in rubies and coral, and in brilliant sunsets and autumn leaves—it is the outlier, the counterpoint to a more ordinary world.

Red is the color of both life and mortality; it is an attractor, luring the eye and promising danger and seduction—associations not lost in the world of cosmetics and fashion. Nor in the world of art, where its qualities, both visual and symbolic, can entice the viewer and breathe meaning into any work.
— Robert B. Simon, 2019

The exhibition will be on view Saturdays & Sundays 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and by appointment.

Featured artists:
Anthony Baus | Brendan Johnston | Brian West | Dale Zinkowski | Devin Cecil-Wishing | Diana Buitrago | Gregory Mortensen | Heather Personett | Jacob Collins | Jon Brogie | Jon DeMartin | Justin Wood | Kathryn Engberg | Katie Whipple | Kevin Muller | Liz Beard | Rodrigo Mateo | Sam Hung | Sandra Sanchez | Sarah Lamb | Savannah Tate Cuff | Edward Minoff | Travis Schlaht | Tsultrim Tenzin